Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Moment in the Foyer Academy

Today Onika did another lesson in "Language Lessons for the Very Young" which is a hard-to-find book that my bestest friend Angie is lending us. The first lesson was a study of the picture below. There was so much to see and discuss in this picture!

Today's lesson had Onika narrate to me what she thought the picture was saying to us. After explaining the concept a couple of times, this is what she came up with:

"The girl was playing with her doll but the Mother told her to stand in the corner and she did and she dropped her doll.
The dog is 'tecting her from the Mother (*snort*)
She told her mother she was sorry for not playing her piano. Her Mom said "'I forgive you'" and let her go.
Then she played her piano forever and she was singing too.
She learned that she shoulddo what she should do when she should....
Do the right thing!"

Then Onika moved on to the rest of her school work.

I have a hard time writing these girls' narrations down without laughing out loud!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Onika: Isn't that the greatest picture? To me it shows two friends. I wonder what mistake the little girl made. She doesn't look the type of little girl that says bad words...or take her brothers' or sisters' things without asking. Hmmmmmm. I know! Maybe she and her friend (the dog) where playing in the house too hard and something fell and broke. But I bet her mommy didn't make her stay in the corner too long...I mean; look at that face...