Monday, April 16, 2007

watertower story

Once upon a time there was a big fib and he was carrying a little asparagus, and the big fib went on the water tower.
Larry boy stopped the big fib, and he thought the fib was going to bring the asparagus into the fibs mouth, so Larry boy saved him from the watertower.
Junior's Mom & Dad looked up at the watertower and were scared. Junior really broke the plate and lied about it. He said that Laura broke the plate, but it wasn't her. An alien didn't do it either.
He finally told the truth, and the big fib got smaller and smaller and went away.
Larry boy got Junior's butt with his plunger-ear and helped him down from the watertower, very gently.
The End.


Anonymous said...

That was an excellent rendition of Larry Boy, and the Fib from Outer Space. I'm impressed with how many details you remember and how well you presented them. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I saw "The Fib from Outer Space" too. You remembered the whole story just like I remembered it. Is that your favorite veggie movie? Maybe you can tell another veggie story. Carol