Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas in my doll house!

This is my dollhouse that my neighbor made.
My Gram gave us the dolls and furniture.
This is the dining room, and it has the christmas tree that I found in the store and we decorated with clay. We also made presents for it, but they are still in the oven.

I want Moreah to always be my sister, and for us to never change.
Now I will type.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Moment in the Foyer Academy

Today Onika did another lesson in "Language Lessons for the Very Young" which is a hard-to-find book that my bestest friend Angie is lending us. The first lesson was a study of the picture below. There was so much to see and discuss in this picture!

Today's lesson had Onika narrate to me what she thought the picture was saying to us. After explaining the concept a couple of times, this is what she came up with:

"The girl was playing with her doll but the Mother told her to stand in the corner and she did and she dropped her doll.
The dog is 'tecting her from the Mother (*snort*)
She told her mother she was sorry for not playing her piano. Her Mom said "'I forgive you'" and let her go.
Then she played her piano forever and she was singing too.
She learned that she shoulddo what she should do when she should....
Do the right thing!"

Then Onika moved on to the rest of her school work.

I have a hard time writing these girls' narrations down without laughing out loud!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Birthday Post at my Mommy's Blog!

I turned five on the 16th of July! My Mommy is too lazy to post the whole thing all over again here on my blog, so she's just gonna post a link to her blog, and if you haven't already read about my birthday there, hop on over and check it out!
Click HERE.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

I was tagged!

Miss Marla tagged me to write 7 things about myself for you. She is my friend Maizie's Mama.

1) I went to Maizie's house by myself before.

2) I can do a somersault.

3) I like bananas, but I don't have a banana tree.

4) I saw a piggy in the mud at the farm, and a girl farmer. I asked her for a pink piggy that was clean that I could cuddle. So she cleaned it in her bathtub, and gave it to me and I took it home.

5) I can jump really high and get an apple from a tree. I don't need a ladder.

6) When I was a little girl, I played brain-pop jr. on the computer, and when I was grown up I went to Brenna's house for a sleepover, and I had a loose tooth and it fell out in my spaghetti! I told Mommy, there was blood in my tooth.

7)I am four years old and I will turn five in July.

Editors note: Some of the above is true, some is loosely based on reality, and some is just the completely fictitious ravings of a 4 year old girl.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Peter Pan according to Onika

Once upon a time there was a house and inside that house there was three beds and there was a girl and two boys and one was named John and one Michael. The girls name was Wendy.
They had a dog, Nanna. The dog chased Michael into the bathroom and put him in the bath.
There was a flying boy with a little fairy and they went to Wendy Darling.
The boy was named Peter and the fairy was Tinker Bell.
The girls looked up at him and said "are you flying?" and the boy said "Of course I'm flying!"
So they went to Neverland and there was Pirates! And Mermaids! And Mr. Smee! And Indians!!
There was a crocodile and it had sharp teeth and a clock inside it's throat and wings! It wanted to eat Captain Hook.
They went to the mermaids but Peter made Wendy get away from there so the mermaids wouldn't eat her.
Then Peter fighted with Captain Hook and turned pink.
Then Wendy and John and Michael went back home and went back to sleep.
The End

Monday, April 16, 2007

watertower story

Once upon a time there was a big fib and he was carrying a little asparagus, and the big fib went on the water tower.
Larry boy stopped the big fib, and he thought the fib was going to bring the asparagus into the fibs mouth, so Larry boy saved him from the watertower.
Junior's Mom & Dad looked up at the watertower and were scared. Junior really broke the plate and lied about it. He said that Laura broke the plate, but it wasn't her. An alien didn't do it either.
He finally told the truth, and the big fib got smaller and smaller and went away.
Larry boy got Junior's butt with his plunger-ear and helped him down from the watertower, very gently.
The End.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Thoughts on visiting Maizie.

I love Maizie because she is my best friend, and her dog is pretty wild and I don't want him to look at me or lick me. I want Miss Marla to say "Darwin, get down".
My sister always leaves me in the room with all the polly pockets and barbies and then we get our shoes on and go home.
The end.

Monday, April 2, 2007


I like math with my abacus. I don't know how to say about school, so can I do the typing myself, Mom? (Um... Ok...???!!!)


(Wow! Good job Onika! She just sat there and picked out each letter of the alphabet in order with minimal help from me! Pretty good for a 4yr. old with no computer experience!)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

First Post

I love Mommy!
I always give her a card when she's sick, and I love her because, I love Mom & Dad, and my sisters, and I love my Baby and my big sister. And thank you for getting a new lamp.
And thank you for getting to drink hot cocoa when you ask.
I love to play with my baby sister.
I love to play my Barbies and my ponies and my doll house.
And I love to play with my dolls and I love to play with my sister with toy animals
And that's it!